Personality and Personal Growth, Part 1

The list of discussion questions on this page is part of a publication called Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide.

Self-awareness and Self-improvement

1. Do you think you are an introvert or an extrovert? Give examples of behavior that you think makes you an extrovert or an introvert. Would you like to change some parts of your personality? If yes, which parts? Which parts of your personality would you not like to change?

2. Are you confident about yourself? What body language tells you someone is not confident about himself, or herself? Do you think it is a problem if someone is not confident? Why, or why not?

3. Do you have any bad habits? What bad habits have you had in the past? How do you get rid of bad habits?

4. If you see many people like something, would you be more interested in learning about it? Do people see you as a leader, or a follower? Do you see yourself as a leader or a follower? Please explain your answer.

Creativity and Personal Expression

5. Are you a creative person? If yes: What do you like to create? (Do you like to write, paint, make things, build things?) Why is it good for a person to be creative? Would you like to be more creative?

6. Do you keep a diary or a journal? If yes: Do you write things down every day, every week, or just when something important happens? If you don’t currently keep a diary, would you like to start a diary? Why, or why not? Why do you think it’s important for some people to keep a diary?

Social Interaction and Behavior

7. Are you usually friendly towards strangers? In what situation would you help a person you don’t know? Do you think it’s possible to be friendly most of the time?

8. Do you meet many stupid people? Where? What do you do when someone behaves in a stupid way? Give one or two examples of stupid behavior. What do you do when someone is irresponsible? Would you say something to that person?

9. Do you know any nosey people? What are they usually curious about? Think of a person who likes to gossip: What do they usually gossip about?

Personal Beliefs and Values

10. Do people know you as conservative or liberal? Do you agree with their opinion about you? How about your friends: Are they conservative or liberal? How about your family?

11. Do your friends and family know you as an optimist, or a pessimist? Do you agree with their opinion?

Personal Abilities and Skills

12. What are your talents? Which of your talents would you like to develop? Which talents would you like to have?

13. Do you easily get nervous? What usually makes you nervous? What do you do when you get nervous?

14. Are you a carefree person? Do you know any (other) carefree people? If you are not carefree now, do you think it is possible for you to be carefree? What would you need to change in your life to be carefree?

Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide: CONTENTS

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