International Travel

The list of discussion questions on this page is part of a publication called Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide.

1. Have you traveled abroad? If yes: Which countries have you visited? Would you like to visit these places again? If you have not been abroad, where would you like to go?

2. Do you usually travel with other people, or alone? What are the benefits of traveling with other people? What is good about traveling on your own? What is bad about traveling on your own?

3. Have you ever flown first class or business class? How are those seats better than economy class seats?

4. Where do you prefer to sit in an airplane, next to the window, or next to the aisle? Why?

5. Have you ever had jetlag after a long flight? What can people do to avoid jetlag?

6. What are some travel destinations on your bucket list, and why do you want to visit them?

7. Describe a memorable international travel experience you’ve had. (If you have never been abroad, think of a story you have heard from a friend or relative.)

8. How do you prepare for a trip to a foreign country? What resources do you use?

9. Share a story about a cultural immersion experience you had while traveling abroad: Where and when did you have this experience? Who else was involved?

10. How do you think the Internet and smartphone apps have changed the way we travel internationally?

11. How do cultural differences shape travel experiences? Give some examples.

12. What are some important travel tips you’ve learned from your international experiences? (If you have never been abroad, think of some important travel tips you’ve learned from a friend or relative.)

13. Share a story about a travel mishap or unexpected adventure you encountered while abroad. (If you have never been abroad, think of a story you have heard from a friend or relative.)

14. How do you think international travel contributes to personal growth and self-discovery?

15. Can you identify any common misconceptions about traveling to foreign countries?

16. How do you handle language barriers when traveling to countries where you don’t speak the local language? (If you have never been abroad, how would you handle language barriers when you don’t speak the local language?)

17. What is your favorite aspect of traveling internationally?

18. How do you/How would you approach budgeting and financial planning for international trips?

19. Can you share a story about a cultural tradition you participated in while traveling abroad? (Or a story you have heard about.)

20. What are examples of responsible and sustainable travel practices? Do you consider this issue when you plan your international travels?

21. How do you choose which destinations to visit when planning an international trip? Do you like to plan all the activities of your trip before you go, or do you like to decide when you get there?

22. Can you share a memorable encounter with a local resident or fellow traveler during your international travels? (Or a story you have heard about.)

23. Can you identify any cultural differences in travel etiquette and customs?

24. How do you/How would you handle homesickness while traveling abroad? How do you/How would you handle culture shock?

25. Share a story about a dish or cuisine you tried for the first time while traveling internationally. (Or a story you have heard about.)

26. How has international travel changed your perspective on the world?

27. Have you ever been in trouble in a foreign country? What would you do if you got into trouble in a foreign country? How can you avoid getting into trouble?

28. What advice would you give to someone who is planning their first international trip?

Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide: CONTENTS

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