Domestic Travel

The list of discussion questions on this page is part of a publication called Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide.

1. How often do you travel in your own country? Do you usually travel by car, bus, train, or airplane? Do you stay in hotels, or with friends or family?

2. What are some local attractions in your area that you enjoy visiting?

3. How often do you go away for the weekend? Where do you like to go? Do you ever take day trips? If yes: Where do you go? How often do you go on a picnic? Where are some good picnic spots in your city?

4. Describe a memorable weekend getaway you’ve taken within your country: Where did you go? Who was with you? What did you do? Why was it memorable?

5. How do you decide where to go for a weekend getaway? Do you prefer exploring new destinations or revisiting familiar ones? Why?

6. Can you share a story about a hidden gem you discovered in your city or while traveling in your country?

7. How have smartphone apps and websites changed the way we plan and experience domestic travel?

8. Share a story about a unique cultural experience you had while traveling locally: Where did you go? Who was with you? What did you do? Why was it memorable?

9. How do you approach packing and preparation for domestic trips?

10. What are some common misconceptions about traveling within your own country?

11. How do you balance relaxation and exploration when planning a domestic getaway, especially when you travel with other people who want to relax or explore more than you?

12. Can you describe your ideal weekend at home? What activities would it include?

13. How do you handle unexpected changes in plans while traveling domestically?

14. Can you share a story about a memorable encounter you had with a local resident while traveling within your country?

15. How do you think domestic travel contributes to a sense of national identity and pride?

16. Share some budget-friendly travel ideas for exploring your own country.

17. How often do you travel to other cities or towns to visit family and friends?

18. Can you share a story about a local festival or event you attended while traveling locally? (Where and when was this event or festival? Who was with you? What did you do? Would you attend this event or festival again if you had a chance?)

19. How do you think domestic travel can promote environmental sustainability and conservation efforts?

20. Can you share a story about a favorite meal or dish you tried while traveling locally?

21. How do you think domestic travel experiences compare to international travel experiences?

22. Think of a place you have visited before in your own country. What advice would you give to someone who is planning a trip for the first time to that place?

Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide: CONTENTS

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