Science and Technology

The list of discussion questions on this page is part of a publication called Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide.

1. What recent scientific breakthroughs or technological advancements have caught your attention? Why do these breakthroughs or advancements interest you?

2. Describe a piece of technology that has had a significant positive impact on your life. Now describe a piece of technology that has had a negative impact on your life.

3. How do you think advancements in artificial intelligence will shape the future of work and daily life – for you and your family, but also people in general?

4. Some people argue that space exploration plays an important role in expanding our understanding of the universe. Do you think it is important for humans to explore outer space? Why or why not?

5. Share a story about a recent trend in technology that you’ve embraced: When did you embrace this technology? What kind of device or technology is it and why did you embrace it? Is it worth the money you have spent on it?

6. How have smartphones and digital devices changed the way we communicate and access information?

7. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical devices that can gather and share data in real-time. These devices include home appliances, wearable technology, medical gadgets, and computing devices. What are the potential benefits of wearable technology and the Internet of Things (IoT)? What are the potential risks? Do you use any wearable technology? Is there any wearable technology you are interested in?

8. Share a story about a time when you used technology to solve a problem or improve a process: When did this happen? Who was involved? Where did this happen? What was the problem and how did you solve it, or how did you improve the process?

9. How do you stay informed about the latest developments in science and technology?

10. Citizen science involves the public in research that contributes to scientific knowledge. One example is Budburst, a project that involves volunteers observing plants as the seasons change. Are there citizen science projects that you find interesting or inspiring? Would you like to get involved in citizen science projects?

11. Can you share a story about an experiment you conducted that yielded unexpected results? (Where did you conduct this experiment? With whom? What result did you expect? What was the actual result?)

12. Describe how you think virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies will revolutionize the following industries: Gaming and Entertainment; Education and Training; Healthcare; Design and Manufacturing; Retail.*

13. Can you discuss the potential implications of biotechnology and genetic engineering on healthcare and society? What do you think will happen when people who can afford it can design their own offspring?

14. What are some challenges and opportunities associated with renewable energy technologies – for example solar, wind, water, biomass (renewable organic material that comes from plants and animals), and geothermal heat (thermal energy extracted from the Earth’s crust)?

15. How do you balance the benefits of technology with concerns about privacy and data security? What technology are you willing to give up if you can have more privacy and the knowledge that your information is more secure?

16. What advancements in medical technology do you think will have the greatest impact on healthcare in the coming years? What diseases do you think might be cured?

17. Can you share a story about a time when you witnessed the power of technology to connect people across distances or cultures? (When did this happen? Who was involved? What kind of technology was used?)

18. What do you think is the future of transportation: Flying cars or hyperloops? How do you think traffic will be regulated with hundreds of flying cars in the air?

19. What do you think is the possibility of teleportation (moving an object or person from one location to another without crossing the intervening space) becoming a reality?

20. What percentage of your annual income are you willing to spend to become a space tourist for a week? Would you rather travel to Mars or travel to the deepest part of the ocean? Explain your choice.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are having a major impact across many industries. Here are some examples of how these technologies are revolutionizing different sectors:

o Gaming and Entertainment: VR offers an unparalleled level of immersion for gamers, transporting them to entirely new worlds. AR can add interactive elements to the real world, like Pokémon Go.

o Education and Training: VR simulations can create realistic learning environments for students, allowing them to practice complex skills in a safe and controlled setting. AR can overlay information onto real-world objects, making learning more interactive and engaging.

o Healthcare: VR is used for medical training, allowing doctors to practice procedures in a virtual environment. AR can help surgeons visualize patients’ anatomy during operations and provide real-time data.

o Design and Manufacturing: VR allows designers to create and interact with 3D models in a virtual space, while AR can overlay instructions onto real-world objects to guide assembly or maintenance tasks.

o Retail: AR can be used to virtually try on clothes or furniture before buying, or to see how products would look in a customer’s home. VR can create immersive shopping experiences, allowing customers to explore virtual stores.

Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide: CONTENTS

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