Beginner Level Questions

The list of discussion questions on this page is part of a publication called Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide.

1. What’s your full name?

2. Where were you born? Where did you grow up?

3. If you work, what kind of job do you do? If you are a student, where do you go to school and what grade are you? If you’re retired, what did you do for a living?

4. How many languages do you speak?

5. What’s your favorite food?

6. Do you prefer tea or coffee?

7. What type of phone do you have? How long have you had this phone? How often do you buy a new phone?

8. What’s your favorite color? Do you often wear clothes that are __________?

9. Do you have any pets? If not, have you ever had any pets? Would you like to have a pet?

10. What’s your favorite movie? Why do you like this movie?

11. What’s your favorite season? Why is __________ your favorite season? What is your favorite activity during __________?

12. How do you usually get to school/work?

13. What’s your favorite animal? Why is this your favorite animal?

14. How often do you cook for yourself or your family?

15. What did you do this past weekend? What are your plans for this coming weekend?

16. What was the last expensive thing you purchased? Are you still happy with this purchase?

17. What’s your favorite sport? Why do you like __________? Do you play __________, or do you only enjoy watching it?

18. What is (or was) your favorite subject in school?

19. Do you have any allergies? Do you take any medicine for these allergies?

20. What’s your favorite hobby? How long have you been interested in _________?

21. How many siblings do you have?

22. What do you like to do in your free time?

23. How often do you read a book? Think about the last book you read: What was it about?

24. How often do you go to the library? Do you ever borrow books? Do you study or read at the library?

25. What’s your favorite type of music? Do you have any CDs, cassettes, or even records, or do you only stream music?

26. What’s your dream job? What job did you want to do when you were younger?

27. Have you ever been abroad? If yes, what countries have you visited?

28. How often do you travel? Think about all the countries and cities you have visited: What is your favorite place?

29. What’s your favorite holiday? Why do you like __________?

30. Where was the last place you went on vacation? Where do you plan on going for your next vacation?

31. Do you have any nicknames? (For adult students only: Did you have any nicknames at school, or in the army, or at any of your jobs?)

32. Are you a morning person or a night owl? If you’re a morning person, what time do you get up, and what is the first thing you do? If you’re a night owl, what time do you go to bed, and what do you do until then?

33. What’s your favorite dessert? Do you prefer cakes, cookies, or pies?

34. Do you have any phobias? Are you scared of any animals or insects?

35. What’s your favorite type of weather? What do you like to do when it’s __________?

36. Are you a cat person or a dog person? Why do you prefer _______?

37. What’s your favorite type of cuisine?

38. What’s your favorite TV show?

39. Do you play any musical instruments?

40. What’s your favorite thing to do on weekends?

41. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

42. What’s your favorite place in your hometown? How often do you go there?

43. What’s your favorite app on your phone? How often do you use it?

44. Do you prefer to text or call people? Why?

45. What’s your favorite type of exercise? How often do you __________?

46. What’s your favorite childhood memory?

47. Do you have any tattoos? If not, do you like tattoos on other people?

48. What’s your favorite board game? Do you ever play card games?

49. What’s your favorite social media platform? How much time do you spend on __________?

50. Do you have any superstitions?

51. What’s your favorite mode of transportation? Why would you rather __________ than __________?

52. What’s your favorite type of movie? Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a movie theater? How often do you go to a movie theater?

53. What’s your favorite type of snack? What kind of snacks do you eat late at night? Do you eat snacks while you study or work?

54. Do you have any dietary restrictions? What happens when you eat the wrong type of food?

55. What’s your favorite type of art? How often do you visit museums or art galleries? Have you ever bought original art?

56. What’s your favorite type of fruit?

57. What was your favorite TV show as a child?

58. What do you enjoy more – cooking or baking?

59. What’s your favorite type of shoe to wear? How often do you buy new shoes?

60. How often do you enjoy outdoor activities like hiking or camping?

61. What’s your favorite room in your house? Why this room?

62. What was your favorite childhood toy?

63. What is one thing you miss about being a kid?

64. What’s your favorite way to relax after a long day?

65. Do you prefer to spend your free time indoors or outdoors?

66. What’s your favorite type of breakfast?

67. What did you have for dinner last night?

68. Are there any foods that you dislike or refuse to eat? Are there any foods that you would like to try?

69. What is your favorite restaurant?

70. What’s your favorite type of clothing to wear? (Shorts and T-shirts? Trousers and a long-sleeved shirt? Short dresses? Long dresses? Loose-fitting shirt and track suit pants? Pajamas? Gym clothing?)

71. Do you prefer to listen to music or podcasts? If you like podcasts, what’s your favorite podcast?

72. What’s your favorite type of accessory to wear? (Rings, watches, earrings, hats, caps, necklaces, bracelets, sunglasses, neckties, headbands, gloves, etc.)

73. How often do you attend live events like concerts or theater performances?

74. Do you prefer to watch TV shows or movies?

75. Do you like to sing along to your favorite songs? How often do you go to K-TVs?

76. What’s your favorite type of sandwich?

77. If you have extra money, do you save it, invest it, or spend it?

78. If you suddenly won $10 million, would you continue working or going to school? What would you do with the money?

79. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why __________?

80. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Why would you want this superpower?

Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide: CONTENTS

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