101 Random Questions

The list of discussion questions on this page is part of a publication called Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide.

1. What time-saving gadget do you wish someone would invent?

2. What tips would you give tourists who came to visit your city?

3. When you eat in a restaurant, do you order something new or something you know you like?

4. Which film have you watched the most times?

5. What kind of souvenirs do you bring back from your holidays or overseas trips?

6. How often do you get your hair cut? Do you always go to the same hairdresser or barber? Do you like to change your hairstyle every time you get a haircut, or do you prefer to keep the same style?

7. Do you think there will still be newspapers in five years? How often do you read newspapers?

8. What will be your next big purchase? Have you started saving for it?

9. What kinds of businesses might have trouble surviving in the future?

10. Have you ever missed a flight? If yes, what happened?

11. What is your favorite item of clothing?

12. What do you think is the most important invention in your lifetime?

13. Do you believe in ghosts? Do you know anybody who believes they have seen a ghost?

14. Do you have any superstitions? What lucky charms do you carry with you? Where did you get this lucky charm, and why do you believe it brings you luck?

15. Do you take a lot of luggage when you travel, or do you travel light?

16. How has your taste in food changed over time? Give some examples.

17. What was your or your parents’ first car?

18. What’s the biggest story in the news at the moment – in international news and domestic news?

19. Do you support any sports teams? How often do you attend games or matches of this team?

20. Have you ever used an online dating site or dating app? Would you ever use an online dating site or dating app?

21. What do you like to do on a rainy Sunday?

22. Would you like a car that drives itself?

23. When does time pass quickly for you? When does time pass slowly for you?

24. Do you usually have a starter and dessert when you dine out? What do you usually choose?

25. Think of a device you own that is now obsolete. How long ago did you buy it? How often did you use it?

26. What’s your favorite season? What do you like about this season?

27. What are weddings like in your country or your culture? When was the last time you went to a wedding?

28. What country or city would you most like to visit? Why?

29. If you had more free time, how would you spend it?

30. What foods or drinks do you avoid for health reasons?

31. If you had to change jobs, what job would you do?

32. What do you do if you can’t sleep? How often does that happen?

33. What did you watch on TV last night, or the last time you watched TV?

34. Who is the most famous person you have met or seen in real life?

35. What’s your least favorite type of weather?

36. What is your favorite part of the city where you live?

37. If you could watch any sporting event live, which event would you choose?

38. If you could live in any city or any country, where would you choose?

39. If you could buy a robot for your house, what would you like it to do?

40. What is your opinion about zoos? Do you think they are educational or cruel, or both?

41. What are your guilty pleasures? (Cheesecake more than once a week? Breakfast for dinner sometimes? French fries for lunch when you promised you would have your carrot sticks?)

42. Think of something you are looking forward to.

43. What is the most popular TV show in your country at the moment (or the most popular show with your family and friends)?

44. What animals or insects are you afraid of?

45. How often do you buy new shoes? How often do you buy new clothes? Where do you usually buy clothing?

46. What is your number one wish for a new invention?

47. Who is currently the most famous artist/actor/singer in your country? What made them so famous?

48. If you had a time machine, to what year or time in your life would you travel back? Why?

49. Would you rather wear comfortable clothing that is not so stylish, or clothing that is very stylish but not that comfortable?

50. What’s your usual mood when you wake up in the morning? Are you excited about the new day, or do you want to keep sleeping? What usually puts you in a better mood in the morning?

51. What improvements would you make to your town, or your city, or your neighborhood if you had the power or resources?

52. What are the hottest and coldest temperatures you have experienced? Where did you experience these temperatures?

53. Have you ever had a minimum wage job, like working in a convenience store or a fast-food restaurant? Why is it good for young people to do jobs like this?

54. How often do you follow the news? How do you stay up to date on what’s happening in your country and in the world?

55. How healthy is the food you eat? What is the biggest improvement you could make to your diet or to your lifestyle?

56. What was the strangest/most exciting/most terrible date you have ever been on?

57. What is the worst thing about the city where you live?

58. What is your favorite climate – hot and dry, warm and humid, cold and dry, or cold and rainy?

59. How much money can be won in your country’s biggest lottery? If you won this lottery, how would you spend the money?

60. If you could learn to play any musical instrument really well, what instrument would you choose?

61. Is gambling legal in your country? Do people like to gamble in your country? Do you like to gamble? If yes, on what do you like to gamble?

62. What’s your favorite place to spend a Sunday afternoon?

63. What is your best and worst travel experience?

64. What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online?

65. What kind of people are you attracted to?

66. Do you prefer a home-cooked meal or eating at a restaurant? Who is the best cook in your family?

67. Have you ever been on a cruise ship? If yes: Where did you go, and how long was the cruise? If not: Would you like to go on a cruise one day? Where would you like to go, and for how long?

68. How much sleep do you get on average every night? What time do you usually go to bed during the week? What time do you usually get up?

69. What was the last book you finished reading? How many books do you read per month or per year? Are you currently reading a good book?

70. At what age do you plan to retire? What do you plan to do when you retire?

71. What was the most expensive restaurant you have ever been to? How much did your meal cost? Was the meal worth the money?

72. What is your favorite comfort food? How often do you eat __________?

73. If you could master any skill overnight, what skill would you choose?

74. Where would you like to go for your next vacation?

75. What three apps on your smartphone do you use most often?

76. What is the first thing you do when you arrive in a new city?

77. What was the last expensive item you bought? Are you still happy with it?

78. What is your idea of a romantic date?

79. What kind of animal would you like to have as a pet?

80. What is your favorite day of the week? Why __________?

81. What is something you are afraid of doing but would still like to do?

82. What place would you like to visit if someone could guarantee your safety?

83. Who decorated your house or apartment? What would you change if you could?

84. If you could be invisible for an hour, what would you do?

85. What do you like to eat that your husband/wife/partner/other people in your family don’t like to eat?

86. What is your favorite thing about summer? What is your favorite thing about winter?

87. If you had $100,000 to spend on a vacation, what would you do? Where would you go?

88. How would it affect you if the Internet stopped working for a week?

89. If you get a call at 07:00 in the morning and you are told you don’t have to go to work or school that day, what would you do the rest of the day?

90. What is the oldest piece of clothing you own? Do you still wear it sometimes?

91. Have you or someone you know ever collected something, like stamps or baseball cards? Is the collection worth any money?

92. If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and why? If you could have dinner with any celebrity, who would it be and why?

93. What is something you regret doing? What is something you regret not doing?

94. If you could be a professional athlete, what sport would you choose?

95. Do you have any allergies? What kind of allergic reactions do you get?

96. What is your definition of a good politician? What makes a politician bad?

97. Describe your ideal job, and ideal work schedule.

98. If you could invent one thing to make the world a better place, what would it be?

99. Think of your best friend: What is he or she probably doing right now?

100. If you could send a message to yourself 10 or 20 years ago, what would you tell yourself?

101. What is on your list of things you want to do this year? Are there any trips you want to make? Any adventures you want to go on? Any places you want to see this year?

Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide: CONTENTS

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