Breaking The Ice

The list of discussion questions on this page is part of a publication called Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide.

Personal and Family Background

1. Where were you born? Were you raised in __________? Have you lived anywhere else?

2. Are you married? If you are, how long have you been married? Do you have any children? If you do, how many? How old are they?

3. Where do you live? Do you live in a house or an apartment? If you are not married, do you have any roommates?

4. Do you have any siblings? If you do, how old are they? If you don’t, would you have liked to have siblings? Why or why not?

Education and Profession

5. If you are working, what is your profession? Where do you work? How long have you worked there? Do you work full-time or part-time? What other jobs have you had? Do you like your job?

6. If you are a student, where do you go to school? What is your major? If you’ve graduated from college or university, where did you study? What did you study? Why did you choose this major?

Language Learning

7. Why do you want to improve your English? What do you think is the best way to learn a new language? What is the best way to improve your language skills?

Hobbies and Preferences

8. What are your hobbies? What do you like to do over the weekend, or in your free time during the week?

9. What is your favorite season? Why __________? What is your favorite type of food?

10. How often do you follow the news? Are you more interested in politics or sport? Are you more interested in fashion news or stories about healthy lifestyle? Are you more interested in celebrity gossip or articles on how to make money?

Emotions and Personality

11. Talk about your best friend. Who is he or she? Where and when did you meet? Why is this person your best friend? What are their best qualities?

12. What are things that put you in a bad mood? What do you usually do to improve your mood when you’re in a bad mood?

13. If you had to choose one animal that best matches your personality, what animal would you choose and why?

Travel and Experiences Abroad

14. Have you ever lived or studied in another country? If yes, what did you like or dislike about it? If not, would you like to live or study in another country? Which country?

15. How often do you travel? What are your favorite travel destinations in your own country? What is your favorite place in your city?

16. Have you ever traveled abroad? If yes, which countries have you visited? Which countries would you like to visit?

17. Do you prefer to travel alone, with family or friends, or with strangers in a tour group? Why is this your preference?

18. Do you prefer to make your own travel plans, or do you prefer to go on a travel package?

Life Achievements and Goals

19. What have you done in the past that makes you proud?

20. What are your dreams for the future? Do you have a life goal? What is your goal for the next year, or for the next five years?

21. What are some goals you set some time ago that you have already achieved?

22. Some people have a list of things they want to do before they are too old to do them. Do you have such a list? If you do, what is on your list?

Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide: CONTENTS

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