Category: Books

  • Essential English Sentence Patterns, Vol 1


    If you want to purchase a printed copy of this book, click here to order at Amazon. Price: $14.95* + shipping & handling

    If you are an ESL/EFL student and you would like a copy of this book on your digital device designed for self-study, click here to purchase a copy from Payhip. You will receive three PDFs (worksheets, answer key, and a transcript), and a set of 31 MP3s. Price: $15.00

    If you are an ESL/EFL teacher and you would like to download a printable PDF to use as handouts in your classes, click here to purchase a copy from Payhip. Price: $15.00

    You can also purchase the book in digital format for your Kindle e-reader or smart devices with Kindle apps from Amazon. Price: $9.95*

    * Actual prices may vary slightly as per Amazon policy.

    In order for learners to improve English proficiency, it’s essential for them to learn and practice a wide variety of sentence structures. Doing so will help them express themselves more accurately and effectively.

    In this set of 15 worksheets, we have compiled 150 common sentence patterns that learners can use in various contexts, from everyday conversations to writing essays or reports. These patterns will enable them to convey their ideas, opinions, and feelings with more precision and clarity, and to better understand what others are saying.

    By studying and mastering these patterns, learners will become more confident and proficient communicators in English.

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    Each lesson consists of

    • one exercise that introduces a set of ten sentence patterns with descriptions;
    • two exercises reinforcing understanding of the sentence patterns;
    • one exercise where students have to come up with their own sentences showing they understand how to use the sentence patterns.

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    Essential English Sentence Patterns, Volume 1 consists of three parts:

    15 x 3-page worksheets

    An answer key for all 15 worksheets

    An index of all 150 sentence patterns with descriptions and example sentences for each


    If you want to purchase a printed copy of this book, click here to order at Amazon. Price: $14.95* + shipping & handling

    If you are an ESL/EFL student and you would like a copy of this book on your digital device designed for self-study, click here to purchase a copy from Payhip. You will receive three PDFs (worksheets, answer key, and a transcript), and a set of 31 MP3s. Price: $15.00

    If you are an ESL/EFL teacher and you would like to download a printable PDF to use as handouts in your classes, click here to purchase a copy from Payhip. Price: $15.00

    You can also purchase the book in digital format for your Kindle e-reader or smart devices with Kindle apps from Amazon. Price: $9.95*

    * Actual prices may vary slightly as per Amazon policy.

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