Category: Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide

  • 50 Important Events in World History

    This page is part of a publication called Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide.

    Rise of The Roman Empirebegan in 27 BCE
    Early Christian Churchuntil about 325
    Fall of the (Western) Roman Empire455 until 476
    Birth and Spread of Islamearly 7th century
    Empire of Kublai Khanlate 13th and 14th centuries
    Rise of The Ottoman Empirelate 13th century
    The Black Death1346-1353
    Renaissance in Europe14th to 17th centuries
    Age of Explorationlate 15th to early 17th centuries
    Spanish Conquest of the Americaslate 15th to early 16th centuries
    The Reformation in England16th century
    Protestant Reformation16th and 17th centuries
    Tokugawa Shogunate in Japan1603-1868
    Age of Enlightenmentlate 17th and 18th centuries
    Seven Years’ War1756-1763
    American Revolution and War of Independence1775-1783
    French Revolution1789-1799
    Latin American Independence Movementsearly 19th century
    Conquests of Napoleon Bonaparte1799-1815
    Congress of Vienna1814-1815
    Opium Wars1839-1860
    Crimean War1853-1856
    American Civil War1861-1865
    Meiji Restoration in Japan1868
    Abolition of Slavery in the Western Hemispherestarting early 19th century
    Industrial Revolutionmiddle 18th to middle 19th centuries
    Unification of Italycompleted in 1871
    Unification of Germany1866-1871
    Scramble for Africalate 19th century
    British Empirestarted 17th century and lasted to middle 20th century
    The Spanish-American War1898
    Russo-Japanese War1904-1905
    Chinese Revolution1911
    First World War1914-1918
    Russian Revolution1917
    Chinese Civil War1927-1949
    Emancipation of Women in the Westearly and middle 20th century
    Great Depression1929-1939
    Second World War1939-1945
    Cold War1945-1991
    Independence of Former Colonies1940s to 1970s
    The Partition of India1947
    The Partition of Palestine1947
    Korean War1950-1953
    The Civil Rights Movement in the United States1950s to 1960s
    Cuban Missile Crisis1962
    The Vietnam War1955-1975
    Fall of the Berlin Wall1989
    Collapse of the USSRprocess ended 1991
    Information Agestarted middle 20th century

    Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide: CONTENTS

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