Category: Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide

  • The 100 Most Common Nouns in English

    This page is part of a publication called Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide.

    1. air35. history69. point
    2. area36. home70. power
    3. art37. hour71. president
    4. back38. house72. problem
    5. body39. idea73. program
    6. book40. information74. question
    7. business41. issue75. reason
    8. car42. job76. research
    9. case43. kid77. result
    10. change44. kind78. right
    11. child45. law79. room
    12. city46. level80. school
    13. community47. life81. service
    14. company48. line82. side
    15. country49. lot83. state
    16. day50. man84. story
    17. door51. member85. student
    18. education52. minute86. study
    19. end53. moment87. system
    20. eye54. money88. teacher
    21. face55. month89. team
    22. fact56. morning90. thing
    23. family57. mother91. time
    24. father58. name92. war
    25. force59. night93. water
    26. friend60. number94. way
    27. game61. office95. week
    28. girl62. others*96. woman
    29. government63. parent97. word
    30. group64. part98. work
    31. guy65. party99. world
    32. hand66. people100. year
    33. head67. person 
    34. health68. place 

    * Example: “The Smith family arrived first. The others came later.”

    Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide: CONTENTS

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