Category: Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide

  • One Minute Speech Topics

    The list of topics on this page is part of a publication called Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide.

    Instructions: Each student, or pair, or small group of students gets a topic. They then have a few minutes to prepare a short speech (one minute or longer). For additional speaking practice, other students should be encouraged to come up with questions to ask after the speech.

    1. A smell that brings back great memories

    2. Behaviors that annoy you

    3. Best and worst dining experience

    4. Best and worst travel experience

    5. Best travel experience

    6. Five things to do before I’m too old to do them

    7. How a computer works

    8. How to apply make-up

    9. How to avoid boredom

    10. How to be more romantic

    11. How to break bad habits

    12. How to buy cheap airline tickets

    13. How to cure or prevent hangovers

    14. How to do well in a job interview

    15. How to get good grades

    16. How to improve your conversation skills

    17. How to improve your health

    18. How to improve your manners

    19. How to make a good cup of coffee

    20. How to make a website

    21. How to make pizza

    22. How to make soup

    23. How to meet new people

    24. How to memorize new vocabulary

    25. How to plan a wedding

    26. How to prepare for a natural disaster

    27. How to research your family history

    28. How to shoot a basketball

    29. How to throw a good party

    30. How to use Google Maps

    31. Life in the future

    32. Married life versus single life

    33. Most romantic Valentine’s Day idea

    34. Moving to another country

    35. My goal for the next year, or for the next five years

    36. Natural remedies for illnesses

    37. Own car or public buses and trains? Why?

    38. Picking a name for your children

    39. Preparing for retirement

    40. Pros and cons of social media

    41. Pros and cons of winning the lottery

    42. Quick ways to get to know someone

    43. Raising pet snakes

    44. Saving money on your income taxes

    45. Steps to buying a new computer

    46. Talk about any three things

    47. The best person to be stuck in an elevator with

    48. The best seat on a plane for a 13-hour flight

    49. The career of your favorite musician or singer

    50. The good and bad of white lies

    51. The most dangerous jobs

    52. The pros and cons of online dating

    53. The pros and cons of self-employment

    54. The worst person to be stuck in an elevator with

    55. Things to take to a deserted island

    56. Three best apps on your phone

    57. Three skills I would like to master

    58. Three wishes

    59. Vampire movies or zombie movies?

    60. What to do before traveling abroad

    61. What to do when you have a midlife crisis

    62. You find a time machine, or a portal to the past.

    63. Your current age, ten years older, or ten years younger? Why?

    64. Your dream house

    65. Your favorite childhood memories

    66. Your favorite food

    67. Your favorite local weekend break-away

    68. Your favorite sport to play

    69. Your favorite sport to watch

    70. Your favorite vacation destination

    Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide: CONTENTS

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