Culture and Society

The list of discussion questions on this page is part of a publication called Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide.

1. Do you know many people in your neighborhood? How important is it to you to know your neighbors? How often do people in your neighborhood get together for a picnic, or a barbeque? If there is a problem in your neighborhood, who do you talk to? What kinds of problems do people sometimes have with their neighbors?

2. How often do you give money to charity? Which charities do you donate to? Have you ever volunteered to work for an organization or cause?

3. How much do you know about your city’s history? Are there any history museums in your city? How about your country: Does it have a long history? Give some examples of historical places in your city. What are the most important historical places in your country?

4. Can you describe a social issue that you feel passionate about? Why is it important to you?

5. In some countries, most of the people are members of the same ethnic group, speak the same language, and have the same culture. In other countries there are many different ethnic groups, many languages, and many different cultures. How about your country? Are there many people from other ethnic groups, or from other countries? Give some examples. What ethnic minority groups are part of your country’s population? What languages do you hear on the subway, or the bus, or on the street?

6. Do you think cultural diversity enriches society? What can people from different ethnic groups do to get along better? Is racism a problem in your country? Is xenophobia a problem in your country?

7. Can you share a story about a time when you experienced or witnessed prejudice or discrimination? How did it affect you?

8. How do you think technology has influenced culture and the way people interact with each other?

9. How do you think media and popular culture influence people’s attitudes and beliefs?

10. Can you think of any traditions in your country or culture that you feel are misunderstood?

11. In what ways can education promote cultural understanding and tolerance?

12. How do you think globalization has affected cultural identities, especially among young people? Do grandparents and their grandchildren still have something to talk about?

13. Give some examples of festivals that are celebrated in your city or country. Do you think festivals are important? Why do people attend festivals? How often do you attend festivals?

14. Share a story about a festival you participated in. What did you learn from the experience?

15. How do socioeconomic factors influence access to opportunities and resources in your country? What opportunities do kids from poor families have to improve their lives? Are there opportunities for working class adults to improve their situations through training and education?

16. How do you approach discussing sensitive topics related to culture and society with others? Do you enjoy discussing controversial topics or do you prefer to avoid them?

17. Can you share a story about a time when you challenged a convention or expectation of society? What was the outcome?

18. Are there any cultural taboos or customs that you find interesting or thought-provoking? What are some taboos in your culture? What should foreigners remember to do, or not to do?

19. How do you think intercultural understanding can be developed and improved?

20. What is culture shock? Have you ever suffered from culture shock? Give some examples of how your culture can be strange to people from other countries. If you had to live abroad, what would you miss most about your own culture? What can people do to make culture shock easier to handle?

21. Can you share a story about a cultural exchange with people from other countries that broadened your perspective? (Where and when did this interaction take place? Who else was involved? How did it broaden your perspective?)

22. How are attitudes toward gender roles changing in your society? Provide some examples.

23. In some cultures, an expensive car or a big house is considered a status symbol. What are status symbols in your culture? What status symbols do you own? Would you like to increase your status in the community? If yes, what would you do or what would you buy to increase your status?

Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide: CONTENTS

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