Shopping Habits

The list of discussion questions on this page is part of a publication called Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide.

1. When it comes to shopping, one of the hardest things to do is to keep yourself from spending money on things that you don’t really need. Is this hard for you to do? On what items that you don’t really need do you often spend money?

2. Some people only go shopping when they need to buy something. Other people go shopping because it’s fun. How about you: How often do you go shopping for fun? Do you make a shopping list before you go to the shops?

3. How often do you go window-shopping? What do you like to look at when you just go browsing?

4. Have you ever gone on a shopping spree? If you have, what did you buy? If you have not, do you think it would be fun? What would you buy if you ever went on a shopping spree?

5. How often do you do online shopping? What are the advantages of online shopping? What are the disadvantages? Do you spend more when you shop online than you would if you went to a shopping mall? If yes, why? What do you do when you buy something online and the product is not what you expected, or if there is something wrong with it?

6. Do you usually pay cash when you go shopping, or do you use credit cards? Which one do you think is better?

7. How often do you use discount coupons? Where do people get discount coupons? How often do you shop at discount stores? What kind of items do people buy at discount stores? Some people say the quality of items is usually worse at discount stores. Do you agree? Give some examples of good quality discount stores in your town or city.

8. If you bought something and found it was damaged or defective when you got home, what would you do? What do shops usually do when people return things? Is it easy to get your money back? How about if you don’t like a gift someone gave you: If you return it to the shop where it was purchased, will they give you cash, or will you have to exchange it for something else?

9. How picky are you when you shop for something? Does the product have to be perfect, or are you willing to buy something at a discount because it has a blemish? Would you ask for a discount if there is a small blemish on a piece of clothing, or some other product?

10. How many flea markets are there in your city? How often do you buy second-hand things? Why do some people refuse to buy second-hand things?

11. Have you ever bought antique furniture? Where would you go to buy antique furniture in your city? Are there many second-hand shops, or thrift stores in your city? What’s the difference between second-hand and antique?

12. Do you ever buy fakes? What kind of fake products are the most popular? Have you ever bought something you thought was genuine, but found out later was fake? What would you do if you found out a product is fake?

13. Do you ever buy gift certificates for other people? Have you ever received a gift certificate? If yes, for what kind of store? What did you buy? Do you think gift certificates are good gifts? Why, or why not?

14. Many people wait for clearance sales before they go shopping. What kind of items do you usually buy at clearance sales? What kind of clearance sales are the most popular with your family and friends?

15. How often do you buy groceries? Are there items at the supermarket you would buy more often if they were not so expensive?

16. What was the most memorable shopping experience you’ve had? Where did you have this shopping experience? Were you alone or with other people? Why was it memorable?

17. How do you think social media platforms like Instagram and Tik-Tok influence shopping habits and consumer preferences?

18. Can you share a story about a time when you made an impulse purchase? What motivated you to buy it?

19. How do you approach budgeting and financial planning when it comes to shopping?

20. How has your personal clothing style evolved over time? (What don’t you buy anymore? What do you still buy? Do you still buy clothing at the same stores? How much more money do you spend now than five or ten years ago?)

21. How do you stay informed about the latest fashion trends?

22. What ethical or environmental considerations influence your shopping decisions?

23. Can you share a story about a popular fashion trend you embraced that later fell out of fashion?

24. Give some examples of how shopping habits differ between generations.

25. What are some common shopping mistakes people make, and how can they be avoided? Have you ever regretted buying something? What was it and why did you regret buying it?

26. “Fast fashion” is low-priced but stylish clothing that moves quickly from design to retail stores. Examples include ZARA, Mango, Forever 21, H&M, and Uniqlo. Do you shop at these stores? Some people believe this kind of fashion is not sustainable. Do you agree or disagree?

27. Share a story about a cherished item of clothing or accessory you own: What is the item? When and where did you buy it? Why do you cherish it?

28. What are your favorite clothing brands? Do you have any favorite shoe brands or designers?

29. How do you find good deals and discounts when shopping?

30. Do you think there are cultural differences in shopping habits and preferences? Think of three young men or women as examples: A convenience store clerk living in Paris, France; a middle-class small business owner living in Los Angeles, California; and a wealthy hotel owner living in Beijing, China.

Number One ESL Discussion Book & Reference Guide: CONTENTS

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